LWML – Lydia Guild

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League – LWML
The women of the congregation participate in the activities of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML). They use their special gifts and talents in a variety of missions and ministry programs of St. Mark and in the New Horizon Zone of the LWML. Lydia Guild is the name of St. Mark’s local chapter of LWML. Our ladies group meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:15 pm at St. Mark Lutheran Church.  Currently, we fund the following missions:

Trinity Disaster Relief

Church Family Adoption

Montgomery County Food Bank

Concordia Seminary St. Louis Food Bank

Ft. Wayne Seminary Food Bank

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank

Pregnancy Assistance Center North

Operation Barnabus (LCMS Ministry for Armed Forces Chaplains)

Phil’s Friends Path of Hope

Meals on Wheels

Seminary Student Noah M.

Seminary Student Karl C.

The Dwelling

Hospitality House

Family Promise of Montgomery County

Angel Reach

Orphan Grain Train

Children’s Safe Harbor

North Carolina Hurricane Disaster Relief

His Cherish Ones (Orphanage in Kenya)
