You have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of many through the ministries of St. Mark Lutheran Church.
To do so, please click on the green “Making a Difference” button below to give securely online through ACH.
You can give a onetime gift or setup a recurring gift, and keep track of every payment you have made, to help us in:
Sharing God’s Word of grace and truth with all who need hope.
You can also designate a gift to a particular ministry or give a memorial gift in honor of a family member and friend.
100% of your giving goes toward the ministries of St Mark Lutheran Church.
If you are a new donor, please click on the green “Making a Difference” button to use ACH. It’s simple, secure and fast.
Thank you so much for joining in the mission of making a difference in the lives of many through the ministries of St. Mark Lutheran Church!